Friday, January 20, 2006

fallin' down the stairs, $250 of Guinness, eatin' huge pizza, shitty coffee in Harlem, Ian won MIP, Ian won MIP

My second trip to NYC over the break was to attend the Juniata Alumni Biannual Conference of Philosophy and Leisure. This was a very important meeting of the JABCPL because it was at this meeting that the Most Improved Person [Insert Year] (MIP) was decided. In the past the attending members have been keenly restricted to simply Chris L. Saunders, Ian Fitzpatrick, Ryan Mills-Knapp and myself, Matthew Dunn. Oh, the Fat Rocket participated once as did Ian's friend from Nashville, Isaac, but they don't really count because they aren't Juniata College Alumni. Anywho, this year many many others were included, only one of whom was a Juniata College Alum, namely, Adam Paugh. Unforunately, I did not take my camera out the night of MIP2K5 events because I knew better. So there is a bit of a blank spot in the picture chronology.

Here is what I have. Unforunately, I don't have any pictures of MAC.

Here is a picture of the Beast (midtown Mannahatta) as viewed from the Weehawken ferry during our crossing, me and Chris' crossing.

Chris in the Belly of the Beast, The Blind Tiger, West Village. One of my favorite bars of all time, now closed. But that's ok because this was its second to last night ever.

I'm praying that you straighten out your sideburns too Ryan.

The Blind Tiger was a great beer bar. You know you're in a great beer bar filled with rapid beer geeks when other beer bars are insulted in the bathroom graffiti. Anam Cara is a beer bar in Boston.

Gothic in Gotham. Somewhere in Greenwich Village.

Ryan made us walk a long way to get to this hot dog place...which was closing just as we arrived. I am the hot dog paparazzi.

One of my favorite pictures.


After many speechs and much deliberation, it was decided that this guy, THE Ian Fitzpatrick, was the Most Improved Person for the year 2005. After all the Guiness he vomited a lot on the street somewhere in the Upper West Side. That was seriously poor form.

Continuing the morning after theme, this is Ian, Ian's brother Dylan, and THE Adam Paugh, in all the way from North Western Montana, the land of horses, carpentry and Copenhagen.

We all thought it was fairly funny that Adam Paugh tucks his tie dye in.

We went to a pretty decent diner near Henri's house in East Harlem for breakfast where Dylan and Henri played a couple hands of blackjack.

On the ferry ride home. CLICK FOR BIGGER VRESION.

Looking south on the Hudson. CLICK FOR A BIGGER VERSION.

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