Friday, September 01, 2006

breakfast log #A-4659

Alas, I have run out of both my primary jam AND my back up jam.

The breakfast log phenomenon catches fire in the midwest!


Pell said...

Oh, now the tiger shows his stripes. I feel giddy to know I'm connected to the main stream. Booze? What have you done? I'll kick you in the yam bag. By the way, I won't be able to come up this weekend. Sorry I didn't call and tell you, but of course you know I'm a jerk. What a good friend. Me? I wrote that story and you stole it! Get away from my hard boiled egg. Welcome to My Face, is that a name of a porno?
Focus Pell, focus. I like your blog Dunn. But I have questions. Best left for in person conversation. What else can I do? Probably frek out and continue drinking. What? No, I ordered an Asian girl.
Glenn Rank, Fourth-Grade Science Teacher at East Bradford Elementary School
Why do I love that so much? It must be Grade A.

Matthew D Dunn said...

Jesus Mike. I'll teach you how to link to my blog.