Thursday, August 18, 2005

beer, beer, beer, blog, blog, vlogs...and dogs...and spammers

This is really a catch all post. Sorry about requiring you to register to post comments, but the spammers finally found my blog and had started posting obnoxious comments about ridiculous things. So I had to close comments. Sorry.

Ah the Germans. They sure do make some nice dogs over there. What do you think about the new frame around the pic? Leave a comment.

The interweb has been quite abuzz with juicy, beery goodness as of late, at least the portion that I keep tabs on.

Just a couple days ago, Mr. Jack Curtin, a beer writer from SE PA posted some of our correspondence on his blog, verbatim. Oh well, I just hope I was correct. He also posted a link to which is pretty cool. See the August 14th post, towards the end.

And it's really hard to mention one of these guys without the other, so here's a link to a nice interview by Lew Bryson with Troegs cofounder John Trogner. Some good perspective on the beer industry, particularly the PA beer industry, from one of the state's major players, well, major in terms of the quality of beer they produce. Good stuff.

And then there were more video blogs, aka vlogs.

My new favorite is probably Rocketboom. It might have something to do with the fact that I'm in love with Amanda Congdon, the host, but not entirely. It's just entertaining internet video. Check out the newsroom link which is apparently an entirely different site. It can keep you busy for hours.

I'm going to work on a video of my own and post it here soon. So keep your eyes peeled. Or something.

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